Mhen!!! School Life is the best...! ( And I can say that again) except the food and the Cash (mheen)...
School Life is the best...!
( And I can say that again) except the part where you have to wake Up every single morning without the hope of having any lectures for the day but you still go anyway maybe 'cuz' of the assignment you ought to submit, attendance, your friends that you've got a lot of talks, gist and paroles with... Or simply 'cuz' of that nice lovely looking girl you've always wanted to have a chat with and 'cuz' she's probably not in Ūя̲̅ department or level, You've got to be in school in order to (if possible) earn her good sentiments...
School life's the best..
(And I can say that again) except the fact that You've got to be in the good books of those who admire You; look though and Man enough, and still look as childish and naïve as possible to avoid some negative forces.
School life's the best...
Can I say that again now??? I'm not so sure..
Here's an introduction to a series that'll follow up this post titled "Tales Of a Kid on Campus"
Shortened as 'TOK on Campus'
I'm hoping by the message of this write-up we all get to relate with the days of school life... or every day life in school (as the case may be), correct some things in ourselves or become aware of the mistakes we must have made and in all, Make a moral lesson out of it ourselves! (personally I don't think I could make it for ya, 'cuz' I'm not much of a role model myself ;) here )
So, I implore You all to have it mind that some names that would be mentioned in the post following this Up are not real and some even are fictional.
Hope to have a great time sharing some real and Fake! Life experiences !!!
Thanks :).
3 Comments, Replies, Suggestions, Yarns:
Hmmn.. Okay o. Kid on campus.. We're awaiting the follow Up on this.
I know of your Prowess in being quite a gentle with a great sense of humour I hope to see lots of that here.
Ish is funnnnnyyy... Serzly?? Cud U say that more than thrice?? Lol , hahahahaha
Hmn, Bukola
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