Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Gist : Justin Timberlake Lands GQ’s Men of the Year Cover, Fires Back at Critics | omg!

Justin Timberlake covers GQ (Sebastian Kim / GQ)Justin Timberlake has been crowned one of GQ's Men of the Year, but that doesn't mean the superstar is immune to haters.
"So I find it ironic that I'm doing an interview with you about Man of the Year when I feel — literally — like a bunch of people just took a s--t on my face," the 32-year-old musician/actor says in the first line of the article.

After two number one albums, the "Legends of Summer" tour with Jay Z, and a role in the upcoming Coen brothers film "Inside Llewyn Davis," it's no surprise that Timberlake landed one of the highly coveted spots. However, the interview took place in September shortly after "Runner Runner" flopped at the box office and "The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2" — which was panned by critics — was released. "Double whammy," the singer notes before moving on to discuss one reason he might be more apt to receive negative reviews.
"This face," JT says, circling it with one finger, "This recognizable face that you work so hard to get — not because you want the recognition but because, you know, you're made to do it." Translation: His famous face comes at a cost.

"The movie didn't do well at the box office, so I should quit?" Justin asks (the singer is likely referring to an op-ed published by Variety titled, " Justin Timberlake: Why He Should Stop Acting ").
"Hold on a second. If I was somebody else, you wouldn't have said that," continues Jessica Biel's husband. "I have the number one album this week, and I shouldn't have released it? Come on, man. You sound like a d--khead ... It just shocked me because, like, you're trade magazines. None of your opinions count. And by the way, none of you can do it."
Though JT is understandably sensitive to the criticism ("Where did all this vitriol come from?" he asks. "It's mean. And I'm not cut out for it"), fortunately it doesn't sound like he is letting the haters get him down.
"I don't see myself as someone who's ever going to be defined by one moment," he shares. "It's on to the next."
GQ's 18th Annual Men of the Year issue also features covers with Matthew McConaughey, Will Ferrell, Kendrick Lamar, and James Gandolfini. Pick up a copy when it hits newsstands on November 19.
Arts & EntertainmentMediaJustin TimberlakeGQ

Source : Yahoo News.

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