Sunday, 11 August 2013

ENT : Did Tonto Dikeh Actually Tried Committing Suicide?

It also shocked me just as much as it did to you.

Anyway, sources have it that she posted the picture above on her instagram page and said somethings to back it up as follows :

"WokeUp happy n decided to share diz***I've bin here b4 n I can tell u we stronger Dan our problemz/painz/Etc**That day I realized SUICIDE iz for COWARDZ**if u've gat no1 to talk to like mii I suggezt u strt wit GOD,diz shitzzzz crazy(world) but it iz Ourz dnt leave it in SHAME,ILOVEU"---Tonto Dikeh"

Sources also have it that the incident happened a while ago and if not for good friends, she'd have taken her own life as it seems the too-much-negative energy surrounding her as a result of ridicule constantly been jeered towards her by the media has finally started to take its toll and is really getting to her.

All I'm gonna say is to tell her to take it easy on herself and appreciate the life some others are struggling fervently to hold on onto.

Despite all the craziness, we actually do love you Tonto.

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