Wednesday, 3 April 2013

FOODstuff - YAM

 Seriously, just hearing the name gives me this feeling of a bad afternoon... Who really loves Yam? (Except the professionally pounded one though *big grin*)

Well, below are some of the good facts about Yam that could help increase the consumption of the Ugly Tuber.

Now, I gotta stop making the Yam look bad but... Did you know?

YAM... Yes yams are VEGETABLES native to West Africa & have held social/spiritual significance for ages. Hundreds of Species exist worldwide.

The plant is perennial , cultivated for its large, edible, underground tuber, which can grow up to 2 meters in length.

NIGERIA is the worlds largest Producer and Exporter of Yam.

Health-wise ☀ , yams are a good energy source, they raise blood sugar levels slowly & are hence recommended as low glycemic index health foods.

In addition, they:
 - reduce constipation ✓
 - decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol levels ✓
 - prevent colon cancer risks ✓
 - The Fresh root also contains vitamin-C. ✓
 - contain Beta Carotene (Vitamin A), minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, & phosphorus. ✓
 - speed up healing processes when applied externally to ulcers, boils & abscesses. ✓

 㗊 Trivia: NIGERIAN Women have the highest twinning rate (birth of twins) WORLDWIDE & this has been attributed scientifically to the high consumption of.... You guessed right!.. YAM. ✔

So, what More can I say, Yams are good, and good for body, make sure you have a slice daily (lol!) ㄖ

1 comment:

  1. Cool, now I'm gonna have a yamming-spree during my 9months of preggers. I'm surely gonna get 4 @ once afterwards
